Who you talk to matters.

Are you ready to discover how powerfully you can show up for your business?

Welcome to Life Balance Power

What Archana Does Well

Archana Patel

Business and Professional Coach

Archana helps her clients manage the negative thoughts, experiences, energy and emotions that are preventing them from moving forward and making progress in their businesses.  Some of the breakthroughs her clients have experienced are renewed motivation, the ability to overcome indecisiveness, and taking back ownership and control of their businesses.

Archana’s clients report how she has helped them create inspiring visions that get them back into motion. They experience clarity, empowerment, and support through critical times when they don’t know which actions to take next to produce successful outcomes for their lives and businesses.

If you are feeling frustrated or unsatisfied and need help removing negative thoughts and beliefs so you can show up with power for your business, consider accepting Archana’s offer for a 1-hour free consultation that will help you identify your blocks so you can create space to improve your experiences and success.

Life Is About Discovery

Archana offers a FREE 1-hour discovery consultation session for business owners who have noticed that their performance, motivation, and resourcefulness have significantly decreased. Archana wants to help you move forward and achieve your desired outcomes.

When you participate in her complimentary discovery session, Archana will help you identify the root cause of the issue which produced the thought, belief, or experience and release that energy while installing renewed positive energy so you can take back control of your business and elevate it to where you want it to be.

Book your appointment today and you will enter a safe space where you will be positively supported as you gain clarity and direction to always know what actions to take to meet your goals.

Benefits of Coaching


Keeps energy high so leaders can respond to challenges.


Creates clarity; saves time so issues are resolved quicker.


Supports leader to build and maintain strong momentum.


Establishes a firm footing of the leader’s zone of genius.


Replaces the lesson with  good business processes.

What Archana's Clients Are Saying

Quotation Mark - Teal

If you want to grow your business, grow yourself.